Local Planning - Recent Applications
Land at Ash Manor, Ash Green Road 17/P/00513 (Awaiting Decision)
This application is for full detailed planning application for the erection of 95 dwellings with associated vehicular and pedestrian access from Ash Green Road, parking and secure cycle storage, onsite open space, landscape and ecology management. Click Here to see the full application on the GBC website.
AGRA are strongly opposed to this development, which is the first of 4 or 5 phases. Bewley Homes have already conducted a consultation event for phase 2, which is not mentioned in the Phase 1 application, and is for a further 97 houses. This development will potentially surround the old manor house and remove the green space between Ash and Ash Green. The subsequent phases depend on this one, so it is VITAL THAT WE OBJECT.
We have conduced three leafleting drops to urge residents to comment on the proposals. The leaflets contain information on how to comment and suggests grounds for objection. The leaflets are available using the links below.
Land at Manor Farm, The Street, Tongham 17/P/01193 (Awaiting Decision)
This application is for an outline application for the 254 residential dwellings and for a SANG on land to the east of Tongham Road. Click Here to see the full application on the GBC website.
Although this outside the Ash Green settlement boundary, it will have an impact on us as it increases demand on all the local infrastructure, roads, schools, drainage, utilities supply, etc.
Land south of Guildford Road, and to the south and east of Dene Close, Ash 16/P/01679 (Awaiting Decision)
This application is for an outline application for up to 154 dwellings, access, parking, open space, landscaping and balancing pond. Click Here to see the full application on the GBC website.
Although this outside the Ash Green settlement boundary, it will have an impact on us as it increases demand on all the local infrastructure, roads, schools, drainage, utilities supply, etc.
Land at Shortland Farm, South of Guildford Road, Ash 17/P/00507 (Awaiting Decision)
Outline permission for a residential development consisting of 300 homes. Click Here to see the full application on the GBC website.
Although this outside the Ash Green settlement boundary, it will have an impact on us as it increases demand on all the local infrastructure, roads, schools, drainage, utilities supply, etc.
Land North of Poyle Road, Tongham 17/P/01315 (Awaiting Decision) —––––––––––– NEW (22/07/2017) –––––––––––––––
This is for an outline application for the 150 residential dwellings occupying all of the open land between Poyle Farm and the cottages on the North side of Poyle Road. Click Here to see the full application on the GBC website.
Although this outside the Ash Green settlement boundary, it will have an impact on us as it increases demand on all the local infrastructure, roads, schools, drainage, utilities supply, etc.
Below is a summary of all the applications which have been submitted to Guildford Borough Council and are awaiting a decision. This is a total of 988 houses.
Ash Green Residents’ Association